“Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side because it’s fake”Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side because it’s fake.”
– David Wolfe
So many times we find ourselves comparing who we are to another. We always think that she/he looks prettier, or she/he has a nicer smile, or she/he is richer than I am. And it’s human nature to compare ourselves to other people.
But what we don’t realize is that sometimes when we compare ourselves to others, we never see the whole picture. We never see what’s beneath or what makes that person look prettier, have the nicer smile, or be richer than you. Maybe that person got lip injections or botox to look prettier. Maybe that person has a nicer smile because he/she whitens his/her teeth or had some technology that makes his/her teeth naturally white. Maybe that man or woman is rich because he/she married rich or he/she robbed a bank.
We never know a person.
We only gauge what we see on the surface. We only see the grass is green, but never see that underneath, sometimes it’s not real.
My dad always complains how he has to water his grass everyday because we don’t have sprinklers. He stands there every night with the hose and waters the grass for minutes at a time while my neighbors sprinkler goes off.
What a tease to him.
Then my other neighbor has fake grass, so his grass is always green year round. And my dad always mentions how the neighbors grass is always green. He stares at it while he backs out of the driveway and I always tell him it’s because the grass is fake. And he replies then maybe we should get fake grass—-or at least sprinklers.
And it’s such a menial thing—–watering grass, having sprinkles, or having fake grass. But there’s such a vast difference between all forms of these practices. One takes time, effort, patience, and natural growth. Sure, there may be times where the grass dries up under the hot sun and may be brown or looks dead. And sure, there are times when my dad doesn’t want to drag himself outside to water the grass. But he does it because he knows he has to care for the grass he invested so much money into and that he has to keep it alive. The other practice of sprinklers still requires time, effort, and natural growth, but it’s more a technological fix where a person doesn’t put in the effort—–the technology does. The grass gets watered, but doesn’t mean it gets watered with the same endurance as standing outside with a hose. Then we have the fake grass. Plastic grass with green blades that feels real but is green all year round. It doesn’t require water or effort or patience, just lots of money. Sure, it looks nice all the time, but there’s nothing more to it than just being fake grass with one look.
There’s so many beautiful things about being real and being you. It takes time, effort, patience, and natural growth to become who you are and find a place where you’re truly happy with yourself and your life. There will be days where you compare yourself to other more beautiful things or people, but know that sometimes the person or thing is better because maybe it’s not real; the grass is greener on the other side because it’s fake. That’s not to say a person who has eye lash extensions, botox, or lip injections or any kind of beauty thing, is fake or not beautiful—-they just have their type of beauty that they chose, so you shouldn’t compare you’re natural in-progress beauty with theirs. I think everyone is beautiful no matter what they chose to do.
And this sentiment doesn’t only extend to the physical appearance, but internal also. Sometimes the happiest person, might be covering their happiness with a fake smile. Maybe that smart girl is hiding her anxiety or worry with fake reassurances and grins. You never truly know a person deep down unless you dig deeper to know them.
So, yes the grass may be greener on the other side, but sometimes we never know why unless we stop and observe it and dig deeper; We never truly know a person externally or internally. It’s our duty as people to be more compassionate and understanding of each other. Next time you see someone and think, “Wow, I wish I was like them,” say this instead, “Wow, I think that person’s amazing.” By saying the latter, not only do you stop comparing yourself to another, you lift yourself up and also that person. And who knows? It may make that person feel better and you too. When you compliment a person as so, you also leave room for deeper contemplation to wonder more about the person than to think of all the ways you’re not like them.
No matter the type or color of your grass at the moment, I think you’re beautiful inside and out. Just keep watering and you will grow as you were meant to be.
To all the beautiful souls,
With love,
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